Be a godparent to a kid from the “La Coromoto” Diocesan School
You can give a scholarship to a child from the “La Coromoto” Diocesan School and ensure that they fulfill their dream of continuing to study. These are the different plans:
Annual registration: $60
Annual tuition + registration: $70
Annual tuition + registration + uniform: $80
If you want to be our compadre, you just have to transfer the amount in bolivars from the plan you choose to the account of the Diocesan School “La Coromoto”. Then sent the voucher to [email protected].
Here you have the data:
Bank: Bancaribe
Beneficiary: La Coromoto School Civil Association
Rif: J-40250263-0
No.: 0114 0165 1616 5020 4995
Asopica says goodbye to the former headquarters of the Comprehensive School “La Coromoto”
20 years ago a group of businessmen from Caracas, lovers of the llanos and, especially, of La Pica in the Apure state, they felt the need to do something for the children who lived in the area. They didn’t know what, but after consulting with experts they decided, despite knowing little about it, open a little school.
At first, it was a small facility where children from the surrounding areas who could get there on their own were cared for. There they were taught to read and write. Everything in a relatively informal way. But, little by little, due to the demands of the beneficiaries, out of necessity for the growth of the school, everything was formalized.
It went from being an informal school to an educational center registered with the Ministry of Education. An educational center that eventually not only formed part of the Venezuelan Association of Catholic Education (In Spanish AVEC), but also graduated children from primary school. That today, thanks to its agreement with the Casa Hogar San Fernando, in San Fernando de Apure, it has its first two alumni with a university degree.
Today we say goodbye to “La Coromoto” based in Caño La Pica, in the Santos Luzardo National Park. But we don’t say goodbye to school. This new school year 2023-2024 we will begin operations at our new headquarters in La Macanilla. This will allow us to increase our enrollment and, even, in a few years, graduate children from high school. It will also allow us to serve not only our students, but also the youth and adults of the community, since it will also be a community center for arts and crafts.
All this is possible today, because 20 years ago, a group of people dared to make a difference. Our invitation is to dare to help. To look around, see where you can help and do it.
Dare to make a difference!
This upcoming school year, see you at La Macanilla.

Asopica is committed with Venezuela´s future, especially with the education of the less favored communities of the country. So with our eyes on the beginning of the 2022-2023 school-year we are collecting school supplies.
We’ll take new and used (in good conditions) supplies.
What do we need?
- Notebooks
- Pencils and colors
- Erasers
- Pencilsharpernes
- Markers
- Sissors
- Rulers
- Reams of papers
- Finger paint
- Drawing blocks
Your help in this endeavor also means a commitment with hope for a better future for the Yaruro-Pumé community. Hope for our kids that they´ll keep growing and developing the abilities to the fullest of their potential.
We´re counting on you to make a difference in the life of the Yaruro-Pumé kids and their families.
Let us remember:
Together, we make the difference!
Happy to return to the classroom
After almost two years without seeing each other face to face, we finally started classes on October 25th. Quickly our teachers got to educating the children on the biosecurity measures they should follow. Because even though we’ve come back to the classroom, she should still keep our guards up to the risks that Covid-19 entails.
Nothing lessened the joy of seeing each other again. This served to boost our work with renewed enthusiasm. The first week was the dedicated to the task of identifying and correcting the academic deficiencies caused by so much time of remote education.
We closed the week with a mass to bless the institution and ask our patron, Our Lady of Coromoto, to accompany us this school year. The children prayed, sang and listened to the words of Father Juan Bautista Infante, the priest in charge of The Santo Cristo del Capanaparo Mission and those of Asopica Director Manuel Reyna.
Join us this school year, because
Together, we can make a difference!
Along with you, in Asopica we have spent 16 years bringing education, food and quality of life to hundreds of Yaruro / Pumé children and their families.
Due to the pandemic, today our children are in their homes, eating tree seeds, plantain, yucca and hopefully some fish, helping their parents with the housework. They are not learning, not playing, not with their teachers who are also in their homes waiting for something to change to return to the classroom.
We need you now more than ever. Distance education for children will only be possible if we move “La Coromoto” to their homes, if we take their teachers, their love and support, their notebooks, their homework, their games. They will eat balanced meals only if we transport food to the 60 families of the students. To do this, we need to make long, difficult routes, get fuel, buy enough food for everyone, print their learning guides, among others. Bringing hope to each and every one of them will only take you two minutes without leaving your home, but you will be supporting us on the path of continuing to change lives, thanks in advance for your time and interest in the education and nutrition of children.
Rest assured that your donation will be well received and compensated with the satisfaction of seeing the dreams and longings of dozens of children crying out for education and for the opportunity to have a better life.

This first week of July we managed to meet again with our students and teaching staff of the La Coromoto School. After a significant effort of planning and logistics, we brought the teachers, the homework and also food for the students and their families.
Distance education for schools located in rural and border areas like ours posed particular challenges for Asopica. What if students and teachers do not have computers, smartphones, internet and in some cases, not even electric light? How to travel to the indigenous communities we help, without gasoline? Well the answer was always obvious to us, we had to take the school to their homes, consequently we had to create, imagine possible solutions and scenarios, be flexible and commit ourselves to the effort, so we did it, and as always, we did it together, with the support and accompaniment of our allies.
Bringing education to children, as well as providing assistance and protection actions is what gives a sense of purpose to our daily work, so their smiles and joy at seeing us have been our best reward. We have learned by doing it, more and more, so today we have sustainable solutions to guarantee their teaching-learning process, and balanced and nutritional quality food through our donors. Today we can say proudly that we have achieved our goal, and we will continue to do so whenever is necessary in order to ensure a better quality of life for them and their families.
Together we continue to make a difference!

On the occasion of the suspension of face-to-face school activities, at Asopica we have designed the project: “La Coromoto goes to the communities” in this sense we have considered moving the school to the homes of each of the students, bringing them food and academic activities with the in order to guarantee their care.
In this regard, in June we received two food donations from our allies Cargill (120 kilograms of pasta) and General de Alimentos Nisa GÉNICA (120 kilograms of milk drink), these donations will contribute significantly to the balanced nutrition of our children. These initiatives allow us to continue fulfilling our mission of providing Yaruro/Pumé children and their families with quality of life.
Together we make a difference and we always go far.
We recently met in San Fernando with various personalities from the area, where there was extensive discussion about the problems and deficits in the area, who are the key informants and relevant people, etc. Useful information to align individual strategies and initiatives with the aim of having greater scope and coverage and therefore greater impact in the communities in which we are working.
Likewise, they were informed of the project led by Asopica approved by the Lutheran World Federation to map and diagnose the social organizations of San Fernando and Bajo Apure, to which they showed great interest and desire to support and collaborate in the uprising of information.

We recently carried out an eye inspection of the facilities of our Santo Cristo del Capanaparo Church in La Macanilla. Additionally, the seminarists Juan Bautista Infante and Jeusmar Castillo have started their work with us, under the supervision and guidance of Father Meneses. They currently occupy the priestly house of the Church and will resume pastoral work in the school, as well as care for the community sphere of the families of our students together with the teachers and director of our educational center, in order to start a process of gradual evangelization with them. In addition to the masses and pastoral accompaniment of our educational community, it is also worth noting that they celebrate mass on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. and on Saturdays they are preparing the youth of La Macanilla for Confirmation in the mornings and for First Communion in the afternoons.

On one of our recent trips to Apure, we visited the facilities of the Diocesan School, and talked to Fr. Álvaro Meneses, who is principal of the school, and also responsible for the missionary work in our of Santo Cristo del Capanaparo Church located in La Macanilla.